We are planning to visit Eagles Flying in Ballymote this year. Here is some information about the centre:

Situated amid the beautiful landscape of North-West Ireland is Eagles Flying, the largest Centre for Birds of Prey and Owls in the country.

Experience some of the biggest birds of prey in the world flying right over your head or landing next to you. Watch different species of eagles hunting on prey-dummies in their natural environment. Be astonished about the arrowlike flight of the falcons and the amazing intelligence of the vultures.

During the Flying Demonstrations scientists share with you the biology of the raptors and their important role in nature and questions will gladly be answered.

Educating you about these birds also means safeguarding these endangered species for future generations as you will learn how to do your part in protecting our Nature.

The IRISH RAPTOR RESEARCH CENTRE is a scientifically managed sanctuary for Birds of Prey and Owls.

Situated on 27 hectares, the sanctuary is home to about 350 birds and animals out of 75 species.

Established in 1999 the centre was originally set up for research purposes only, but as a consequence of increasing interest and local awareness, it was decided to open parts of the centre to visitors.
In the summer of 2003 EAGLES FLYING introduced its birds to the first eager visitors and numbers continue to increase every year.
The Eagles Flying Show is both fun and educational for the whole family! The scientists on hand present information on each of the birds and raptors in general and if you ever had a question about a bird of prey - well, here you go - just ask!

As the sanctuary became better known, people from all over started bringing in injured birds and other helpless wildlife. We try to heal all these patients and if possible return them to their natural home. This hospital and rehabilitation sector is now the most time consuming and labour intensive department at the centre.

They cooperate with international Zoos breeding endangered species for reintroduction-programmes. In 2007 the Irish Raptor Research Centre / Eagles Flying received the accreditation as EU-Zoo.

For more information please consult the Eagles Flying Website.

date Monday, February 22, 2010

1 comments to “Eagles Flying”

  1. Joanne
    February 23, 2010 at 11:46 AM

    Very interesting article on Eagles Flying. A great source of education for all ages!

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